Blog Tired, Overwhelmed or Just Burnt Out?

Tired, Overwhelmed or Just Burnt Out?


I’ve had so many conversations recently where people are feeling overwhelmed, tired and burned-out due to the “too much to do/can’t stop now” syndrome.

Are you one of those people who can’t seem to stop “doing?” I have yet to meet anyone who hasn’t felt overwhelmed from time to time.

Let's face it, feeling overwhelmed is as common as a Pumpkin Spice Latte in autumn. It's just one of those things that happens from time to time, like getting a parking ticket or accidentally liking your ex's Instagram post from three years ago.

For some reason, we tend to view overwhelm as negative and as a weakness. We don't dare to admit we're overwhelmed or talk about it, as if it's some kind of top-secret government project. That can leave us feeling isolated and alone, like we're stranded on a deserted island with nothing but our to-do list and a coconut tree.

We often deny we are overwhelmed because we do not know how to stop the frenetic behaviour that leads to this feeling. So we do nothing. Our employers, colleagues or friends often do not notice or help support us to stop overworking.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Primarily, this syndrome occurs in our work life but it can carry over to our personal and family life and it often does. Focusing on projects often begins with good intentions but we can quickly and easily be overwhelmed if we do not have a plan to minimize and balance our work. We can often say I’ll just complete this part (but then go on to do the next part too) and then wonder why we feel tired and burnt out.

This stressful pattern is telling you to make change! Once you get this message, it is easier to identify the steps you need to take to shift out of the behaviour quickly.

Here are some helpful strategies from my personal experience and my work with clients who are burned out, growing frustrated and even depressed. These strategies can immediately diminish feelings of being overwhelmed so you can refocus and make some work/life balance decisions.

Stop what you are doing for a few minutes and take a break. Go for a short walk, sit outside (without looking at your phone), meditate, breathe deeply, call a friend to have coffee (even a virtual one) and share what is going on. A little R&R can go a long way in recharging your batteries. Just try not to nap at your desk - your boss might not appreciate it, unless you work from home, in which case, nap away.

Unsubscribe to unnecessary e-mails, organise your desk or office to decrease clutter, stop attending meetings or get off committees unless you have a total passion for the organization and the cause.

Value your time
Do not spend time with people who you do not like. Assess your friends and business colleagues. Do they support and honour who you are? If they are negative and don’t share your vision for your dreams, don’t hang out with them.

Take an action step.
Call a friend who will support you, take a class to get organised or work with a practitioner who will support and motivate you to have a more balanced life. If you want change, the first step is the most important, you don’t need to see the whole pathway.

Let me know which one you will action.


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