Blog Has Social Media Made Us Self Centred?

Has Social Media Made Us Self Centred?


When there are so many things going on in the world, especially when it’s front and centre war on all channels, does it feel like showing up as you is irrelevant or selfish?

Or do you feel that it’s ok to be you, carry on as if nothing is happening?

I’ve seen both of these over the last week, of course we can acknowledge what is happening around the world and show support, but unless you are doing something that is a direct contribution to helping the situation, I personally feel there it’s not necessary to be sharing all the stuff that is going on in another country, with many people sharing the same posts, it’s just adding to the noise.

And you are probably thinking that’s a bit harsh, I need to show people that I don’t agree with war, that I stand with (insert country here)

Well unless you are a complete psychopath, in which case you wouldn’t be reading this, of course we all know you don’t agree with war. And sharing blanket coverage of one particular country, when it’s all still happening in other countries, that months ago people were doing the same thing for, is unnecessary (in my opinion).

And not sharing about it on social media doesn’t mean you are not against it, people really are not worrying about every small business and personal profile and their opinion.

It sounds awful to say life doesn’t stop around the rest of the world during conflict on the planet, but it really doesn’t, there has been war on this planet constantly for 40 years.
I’ve heard some channelers call Earth the war planet. But every war does get us closer to peace, and as angry old white men get closer to the time that they are no longer relevant in the running of the world and try to hold on to their power, this is what we are going through.

The Age of Aquarius is upon us, although we are here at the very start, and it will take many decades for us to bring about the peace and advances available to us under this energy. And as the light shines brighter so the more of the dark is shown to us, and it has to try to survive.

Social media has made everything about us, and made us feel that our opinions are needed, but sometimes they are not. As more things are now in the virtual I think it’s important that we don’t forget what it’s like to have conversations in real life with people and that things are a 2 way street, and that the drop and go opinions that we see so much of these days add to the anxiety of many people. Let’s also think about context and whether we need to share on that piece of video footage.


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