Blog Do You Sometimes Feel Like Something is Missing?

Do You Sometimes Feel Like Something is Missing?


There have been times in my life where I’ve felt that things are not fair, that things just don’t work out for me, that ‘if only I could get that, (whatever that is) things would be ok.

But often that lack of, is not caused by something we need to get more of, it’s an internal struggle that we don’t feel good enough.

When we feel lack it routes itself in an emotional response.
A lack of interest creates fatigue.
A lack of direction creates a mental block making it harder to get that focus
A lack of sleep increases our heart rate as we try to stay awake with stimulants

These can all lead to procrastination, a lack of concentration and boredom.
These stressors are usually caused by what we think are external causes. But they can't be fixed externally, you need to go inside. We think if that person didn’t behave like that, or if I didn’t have to do that thing, everything would be ok. But in reality it stems from our reaction to the thing.

All of these stressors contribute to our cortisol build up.

In small amounts cortisol has anti-inflammatory properties it is released during sleep and can stay in your system for up to 13 hours, there are only two things that can help metabolise cortisol, relaxation and exercise. Over time a build-up of cortisol in our system can metabolise to cortisone if your body produces too much of it. Cortisone is found in high levels in people with anxiety and depression, studies have also found that it can lead to diabetes and it reduces calcium absorption.

This is why it's important to have a gentle start to the day and not go straight into looking at our phones or consuming news or emails. Our bodies need time for the cortisol to metabolise when we wake up, and immediately exposing ourselves to adrenalin first thing in the morning caused by our phones adds to our stress levels.

Whether it's just simple breathing in and out slowly for 5 minutes, meditation or yoga that will dramatically affect the endorphins and reduce the cortisol
And doing just 20 minutes of exercise will do the same.

When I started to actually look at my inner world and take responsibility for how I reacted to things, I realised that a lot of my behaviour was around numbing those feelings, and as you know I like to say, ‘you have to feel it to heal it’. Because you cant heal how you feel unless you face them first and find the root cause. And that is often not what we think it is.

Isn’t our brain an interesting thing?

So here is some self enquiry for you.

The next time you have the thought of ‘they did this to me, and now it’s made me do this’

Ask yourself – Is that true? Listen for the answer

Then ask yourself - Is it really true? On further questioning we often get our real response rather than the self protecting ego.


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