Blog What's Your Unpopular Opinion?

What's Your Unpopular Opinion?


I’m going to say something really outrageous here, I don’t like journaling. Sounds odd from someone who has written 2 books and writes letters to strangers right? But the whole sit down and journal that out doesn’t work for me.
Also morning pages, nope!

I’ve tried both and its painful and really doesn’t light me up.

I like to write down days like they have already happened, and I can also hypothesise what’s the solution to this question I have, (there is always a solution) even if its something you think is not possible for you, it’s worth writing it in this style as you are writing from the future, or what the possibilities could be.

There are also many times when I have written letters to strangers and then realised I’m writing it to me, and this is the answer from my higher self.

It's even worse when you are at event or group and you are asked to do this.

How about you? Do you get frustrated when people say journaling is the best way to clear your mind or get an answer? If so give yourself permission to do it in a way that feels good to you. You don’t need a fancy book if you don’t want one, if you want to scribble on paper and burn it go ahead. I often write out things that I no longer want in my life on paper and burn it on the full moon to feel that release. (that was quite hilarious before I moved home 2 years ago, I would burn things outside my door literally in the street, 10 feet away from the public pavement)

If you don’t like writing and find it easier to share your thoughts out loud, talk into your notes app on your phone, this way you can say what’s on your mind without being interrupted and hearing it can often give you an aha or answer.

The old saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. I think when we can get the thoughts out of our heads in whatever way works for us, it does make things clearer and brings us more into our calm. When we activate our calm it lowers our cortisol levels and we can think clearer and make decisions easier.


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