Blog Do You Ever Feel Like You Are On Autopilot?

Do You Ever Feel Like You Are On Autopilot?


If your life feels like a never-ending loop of "Groundhog Day," where every day is the same and you can't tell Monday from Friday, you might be living your life on autopilot. It's like your brain is a GPS stuck in the 'recalculating' mode, endlessly trying to find the right direction but always leading you to the same boring destination.

The sad part about living life on autopilot, especially when it comes to your relationships, is that you don't even know that you're doing it half the time. You're just living your life, wishing for more, but not really sure if there is more or how to get it.

While many people live out their entire lives on autopilot, the way to have truly rewarding and successful lives and relationships is to be totally aware and adaptable when it comes to life.

So, how do you do that?

  • Stop and smell the roses (literally:). Take time to notice all the little things around you that you always use to look at when you were little.
  • Think about your short and long-term goals. Do you still have those?
    And if so - have you forgotten them? Re-write that list and start working on accomplishing your next short-term goal
    Even if that goal is ‘spend 30 minutes relaxing alone on the weekend’
  • Remember your relationship? When was the last time you did something new with them? When was the last time you even wanted to? Start thinking about your relationship and stop just "being in it".

If you are on autopilot there's a reason why. Your life is out of balance. It's either too stressful, too complicated, too boring or you have surrendered your life to the "routine". 

Take one day this week and really think about your life.

Living on autopilot is like driving a car with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand scrolling through Instagram. It's not exactly the recipe for success, unless your definition of success is crashing into a tree or getting a thousand likes on a selfie with a dent in your forehead. To avoid that, try engaging your brain and all your senses, like a superhero with X-ray vision and super hearing. Ok, maybe not that extreme, but you get what I’m saying. Don't just go through the motions, live with intention and curiosity, and enjoy the ride, even if it occasionally hits a few speed bumps or detours.

How can you shake things up? Make them interesting?

How can you get back in balance and in love with your life again?


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